December new releases, special offers and FREE model!

Christmas shopping dates:

We’ll continue shipping to all destinations until December 15th. We’ll then resume in the New year. Please note this doesn’t guarantee it will arrive for xmas so the earlier you order the better.

We have a number of special offers for December!

Firstly all order of £20 or more (before postage) will receive ‘Your Adventure ends here’ FREE! (one per customer). No need to add it to the basket, we’ll add it in automatically!

Also, check out our December deals for a number of great offers including 50% off PDF’s this month!

New releases!

We’ve just added the Ogre Gatekeeper and Sorcerer and Pulpit to the store (painted versions to follow).

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New year!

Ogre Gatekeeper
Sorcerer and pulpit