New releases and FREE Drunk with orders over £30!

We’ve added a couple of new releases to the store and have a special offer running until December 15th!

Any orders of £30 or more (or equivalent in Euro/USD) will receive the Drunk miniature FREE! We’ll add it in automatically so no need to add to the basket. It is also available to buy if you’d like more than one. Already have an order pending? Don’t worry we’ll add it in for you!


The offer runs until December 15th when we’ll stop shipping before Xmas. We’ll then restart in the new year. You can still place orders as normal during that time, they just won’t go out until the new year. For overseas orders to arrive for xmas we suggest ordering as soon as possible, whilst we’ll ship until December 15th, there’s no guarantee orders shipped on that day will arrive in time. For the UK it should be fine.

Aldo released this month are Johnny Ringo and the Fairy! Johnny Ringo is a new model for our Tombstone range. The Fairy is an old model which we’ve re released due to demand. Hope you like them!

Johnny Ringo

Remember orders of £50 or more go post free to UK/Europe and £75 or more ROW. Our orders are now EU friendly! You pay your local VAT at the checkout and they arrive without and customs or handling charges!